Garbage Brain University
Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
Consumer Testing, Teeth, and Diet Coke

Consumer Testing, Teeth, and Diet Coke

Drew’s boss tried to make him drink experimental chemicals. Natalie got paid five dollars to consumer-test cereal. We reveal why whitening toothpaste doesn’t work, Drew almost breaks a non-disclosure agreement with a billion-dollar company, Natalie reveals why she loves watching real surgery, and then makes Drew take a quiz, which you can play along with as you listen.

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Garbage Brain University
Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
In Everything Is Real, Natalie Dee & Drew Toothpaste investigate the conspiracies and strange happenings that peel back the edge of reality. Join Drew (a research chemist) and Natalie (a Ph.D in Metaphysics) as they study the fringes of society.