If you’ve been paying attention to the ufo/alien disclosure lately, you already know that aliens are real. But just in case, we’ve collected some reports from astronauts who have seen UFOs and can verify that they’re real, they’re on Earth, and they may be suppressing our psychic abilities. We also tell you why SETI found nothing of note, and why one NA…
Everything Is Real, Episode 54: Astronauts Say Aliens Are Real
Jul 06, 2023
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Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
In Everything Is Real, Natalie Dee & Drew Toothpaste investigate the conspiracies and strange happenings that peel back the edge of reality. Join Drew (a research chemist) and Natalie (a Ph.D in Metaphysics) as they study the fringes of society.
In Everything Is Real, Natalie Dee & Drew Toothpaste investigate the conspiracies and strange happenings that peel back the edge of reality. Join Drew (a research chemist) and Natalie (a Ph.D in Metaphysics) as they study the fringes of society.Listen on
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