Today’s episode features our friend and local alien expert Jake Tha Snake, whose Twitch channel is a dizzying combination of fortean commentary and Fortnite crushing. We talked about Reptilians, their connection to the ancient Turkish underground city Derinkuyu which still exists today, the origin and possible pre-history of extraterrestrial contact, an…
GBU 133: ALIENTEMBER PART 4: Reptilians, Underground Cities & Ohio UFOs (feat. Jake Tha Snake)
Oct 01, 2020
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Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
In Everything Is Real, Natalie Dee & Drew Toothpaste investigate the conspiracies and strange happenings that peel back the edge of reality. Join Drew (a research chemist) and Natalie (a Ph.D in Metaphysics) as they study the fringes of society.
In Everything Is Real, Natalie Dee & Drew Toothpaste investigate the conspiracies and strange happenings that peel back the edge of reality. Join Drew (a research chemist) and Natalie (a Ph.D in Metaphysics) as they study the fringes of society.Listen on
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