Garbage Brain University
Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
GBU 172: Commercials, Fast Food & Chicken Hungry

GBU 172: Commercials, Fast Food & Chicken Hungry

Natalie & Drew tackle commercial urban legends, why advertising is terrible (beyond the obvious reasons,) classism, the history of fast food, Chicken Hungry, why a local car dealer had a curling iron in his ass, and a quiz about fast food. It’s all here right now.

If you missed Drew’s GeoGuessr stream yesterday, subscribe to the GBU Twitch channel and you’ll get automatically notified when we go live again! (It’ll probably be Weds, 3/10, at around 2pm Eastern Time!) There are videos of past broadcasts on the Twitch page if you want to see what it’s all about, but in essence, we drive around the world on Google Street View and try to figure out where we are. What’s not to like?

Also, slam the Subscribe button please. We don’t make much doing this, and it takes a lot of time, and we do, truly, need your help to keep going. Won’t you please?

  • natalie & drew

Garbage Brain University
Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
In Everything Is Real, Natalie Dee & Drew Toothpaste investigate the conspiracies and strange happenings that peel back the edge of reality. Join Drew (a research chemist) and Natalie (a Ph.D in Metaphysics) as they study the fringes of society.