Garbage Brain University
Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
Hello Ghosts 2: A Haunted House In A Haunted Town

Hello Ghosts 2: A Haunted House In A Haunted Town

Hello Ghosts is the GBU spin-off featuring Natalie and our friend Elissa, and their investigations into local paranormal lore. This is our first free episode - future eps will be available for patrons only!

A fateful conversation leads Natalie and Elissa to the foothills of Appalachia to investigate a haunted home. They discover that the weirdness extends farther outside the property line than they would have expected, and a creepy discovery is revealed in an extra segment at the very end of the episode.

Want more Hello Ghosts? Join the GBU Patreon and you’ll get access to our patron-only GBU/HG episodes, as well as a membership to our private Discord, with a dedicated channel for discussing Hello Ghosts.

Garbage Brain University
Everything Is Real, by Garbage Brain University
In Everything Is Real, Natalie Dee & Drew Toothpaste investigate the conspiracies and strange happenings that peel back the edge of reality. Join Drew (a research chemist) and Natalie (a Ph.D in Metaphysics) as they study the fringes of society.